Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Loewen Chapter 6


Big Question: In what ways can we help enable our students to overcome the racism they see in our society today?

Image result for crazy john brown
A "crazy" John Brown

Interactive website: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/brown/maps/map.html

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Cantu 6 and 7


Big Question 6: Should we include technological standards in every lesson that we teach?

Interactive Website 6: http://www.mission-us.org/

Image result for teaching with technology

Big Question 7: How can teachers stay up to date with technology and not become technologically illiterate from a pedagogical standpoint?

Interactive Website 7: https://bubbl.us/

Image result for teaching with technology

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Loewen Chapter 5


Big Question: How can we address racial issues in the classroom and keep students' minds as open as possible?

Image result for civil war map
Interactive Website: http://teachingamericanhistory.org/static/neh/interactives/civilwar/lesson1/civil_war.swf

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Cantu Chapter 4


Big Question: Is there a single best way to teach social studies? Do you have to follow a single one per lesson?

Image result for graphic organizer

Interactive Website: https://my.hrw.com/nsmedia/intgos/html/igo.htm

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Loewen Chapter 3


Big Question: How should teachers choose what is worth taking the time to teach and what they should leave out?

Image result for the first thanksgiving


A website about the first Thanksgiving that would make Lowen extremely angry

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Cantu Chapter 3


Big Question: Can you use every level of blooms taxonomy in each lesson?

Image result for lesson plans

A lesson plan should be more than just a way to take up space and turn into the district office or the principal.

Interactive Website: http://worldpopulationhistory.org/map/1/mercator/1/0/25/

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Cantu Chapter 2


Image result for social studies standards
Many different subjects and ideas go into the "social studies"

Big Question: How can we as teachers still own our classrooms while following all of the standards?

This website is an interactive textbook and curriculum.